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HXL 8025 C union dry cleaning machine
Product Overview

Exceptional Cleaning, Economic and Ecological Performance Achieved

This series offers considerable reduction to occupied space while also including the standard UNION innovations and exclusive technical features. These models are equipped with two independent solvent tanks with round bottoms, designed to prevent moisture and associated bacteria problems, with a large front facing sight glass.

All models feature the electronic DRYING CONTROL system, & DIALOG Computer with DIALOG PLUS!

Alternative Solvent Machines

HXL8018C, HXL8025C, HXL8032C

Dialog Plus™ Control Panel

The Brain! It's Indispensable! Union unleashes "The Brain! Dialog Plus™" - the latest advancement in computerized operation technology for drycleaning. With Dialog Plus™ run different multiple programs without having to change temperature setting or inverter drive speeds. Once the individual programs are entered Dialog Plus™ automatically remembers the settings for you. The Brain is loaded with amazing, time saving features.

Waterless System

No water required. With Union's standard dual fan condensing unit the machine can be operated with no water.

Dual Filtration System

With dual solvent pumps and dual independent cartridge filtration assures maximum solvent control and purity.